November 18, 2014


Political post script:

Watched Jon Stewart be interviewed by David Letterman, and was admiring how articulate and affable he is even when devoid of his comedic script/venue on The Daily Show.

David asked him what he had learned from spending several months in the Mid East (Jordan and Egypt) filming his movie. Jon said, "It's not even so much that I learned anything in so much as that it reinforced my belief that so much of the dialogue between countries occurs at a governmental level that is so one-dimensional, and that when you get into the weeds with the individuals in countries and the nuance, it's... you realize that there is a common cause in a way that you might not have thought possible. With these countries that we don't know that much about and we hear very stereotypical and very prejudicial things about... A lot of times in these countries, in that part of the world, they're sort of trapped between kind of authoritarianism and extremism. But the majority of people, the overwhelming majority of people, just want to carve out a little space for expression."

I hope when I die that people say I was articulate. Affable isn't bad either.

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