March 24, 2013

For no more than five seconds I recalled by way of a dream what it was like to hold her hand. The cool silky feel or her skin entwined in mine. In my dream, I was driving with her next to me and we were talking and smiling at one another. Then I took her hand in mine. She let our hands embrace, and seemed to betray with a quiet smile a deep happiness looking down at our together hands. Then softly she raised her lovely porcelain fingers and pulled our hands apart.

I awoke with a tangible tingling loneliness overcoming my right hand.

March 20, 2013

Great Moments In 21st Century Music

"I don't wanna be the one to alienate. Alienate!
You see, I'm tryin' to find the alien in you. You!"

 - from "Spaceship Coupe" by Justin Timberlake


Really? Seven years since your last album and this is what you've come up with?
And yes, it's really called "Spaceship Coupe".

Thanks, but I'll stick with the classic tracks in the "space as a metaphor for sex" genre. "International Lover" by Prince, "A Funky Space Reincarnation" by Marvin Gaye and "Sex Planet" by R. Kelly.

Also, the new album rips off R. Kelly's album Love Letter, in particular the song "Number One Hit".


... Wish I had someone to laugh about this with me.
