November 17, 2014

My niece is slowly (and quickly) approaching that first step toward womanhood. Well, a step anyway. I don't know all the exact steps. I decided today that it was an appropriate time to introduce her to Damien Rice. Don't worry, I kept her away from the rather complex adult material that pervades a handful of his tracks.

I showed her the songs "I Don't Want To Change You", "Lonely Soldier" and "Colour Me In". Then it turns out my mother was having a bad day so I told my niece to text her and say that she loved her, to cheer my mother up. Here is part of our conversation:

Me: Did you text nana?
Niece: Yes
Me: High five. That's teamwork! I love you, by the way. You're in my top five humans. :P
Niece: I love you too. And wow that's a privilege lol... Who are the other four
Me: good question. and way to go spelling "privilege" correctly. That word gets butchered a lot. But the story of my favorite people is long and sometimes sad so I'm not ready to tell you all five yet. Just know that you and Rocco are on that shortlist. Also, I love everyone.
Niece: Alright. Go Rocco!
Me: One of my other favorite people went as Katniss for halloween. I'm sure if you ever met her you'd love her.
Niece: Anyone who is Katniss is a friend of mine.

S and R are on that list. But I can't tell my niece about them yet. It'll be many more years. She's pretty sensitive and it would break her heart to hear about how i lost the love of my life.

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