September 19, 2012

"But there is no role. That is illusion placed upon me by other people. I have no illusions about who I am. As a writer interested in wordsmith, what I gain spiritually can only help me and my writing or topics of my writing. But I have no role, no role at all. I am on no mission. I am what I am, and I write what I write." - Van Morrison

September 10, 2012

True story

Once, a two-year-old said to me, "Fuck you, nigger."

And life meant something.

September 8, 2012

Great Moments In 19th Century Literature

"There is suffering in the light; in excess it burns. Flame is hostile to the wing. To burn and yet to fly, this is the miracle of genius. When you know and when you love you shall suffer still. The day dawns in tears. The luminous weep, were it only over the dark." - Victor Hugo

September 5, 2012

Great Moments In 21st Century History

In the front yard I placed a sign advertising marriage equality and supporting the vote against a proposed same-sex marriage ban in Minnesota.

That sign was stolen.

What a free country.

September 1, 2012

Today I saw a sign as I passed a house near a college campus. Propped up on the lawn of this house was a large sign with the words "21 TO DRINK 18ish TO STAY OVER" painted on it.
