July 27, 2014

Today I found myself driving behind a truck that was towing a boat. The name of the boat was "Into The Mystic".

In case you are unaware, that's the name of a wonderful song by Van Morrison. I wish I could've spoken to the owner and discussed the boat's name with him. And also I wish I could've sailed on the "Into The Mystic" because I love sailing but I haven't been in a long, long time. I would've loved to sail on a boat named after a Van Morrison song.


In other news, my sister helped my grandma move apartments. My grandma moves pretty much once a year. While she was helping my sister found some old photos. My sister is obsessed with ancestry.com. Here's a photo of my brother and me (I'm on the left):

Its ancient quality reminded me of my favorite photo of my father. I have a small rectangular box decorated with a painting by Claude Monet. In that box I keep the smallest and most precious items I own. It's mostly full of bookmarks I've designed/collected, ticket stubs from momentous concerts, and a few photos of my family and S and her daughter. It also contains a piece of hotel stationary that she scribbled on when we were in Hollywood together.

But anyway. Here is my favorite photo of my father: 

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