March 11, 2014

I just watched the first part of Neil deGrasse Tyson's sequel to Carl Sagan's old series Cosmos.

It's supposed to be a scientifically enlightening journey through the history and potential future of our universe. But all I saw was images of a poorly animated outer space with no context or significance set to overly dramatic music that sounds like outtakes from the score to Jurassic Park. Not much substance.

Remember when science and knowledge was interesting enough to capture peoples' attention and imagination? Me neither.

But still, this histrionic faff masquerading as science and gilded in sub-Pixar animation is annoying.


Also, the return of Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle has been fantastic thus far. I'm disappointed more Americans aren't familiar with his work and ashamed that I don't have good friends that I can share/discuss his work with. His witty intelligence and comprehension is an inspiration to me. "England" is almost definitely in my top 3 episodes.

I don't understand the need to share things of personal significance with others, but I certainly feel it.

As I've said many times before, an experience unshared is like half of an experience.

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