January 28, 2011


Well Albert Einstein was right. There really is no better way to start your day than by exposing your penis to a stranger. (Or was that Pee-Wee Herman? How easily I confuse the two!) Follow that up with a 10 mile bike ride to the coast, where I sat upon a cliff with the following view:

and read from Tolstoy's War And Peace (I'm on that Volume 3 shit, bitches!). After the sun went down I scored 2 goals in a soccer game, then capped it all off by working on my album (rhymes).

... If only I could find a blow job.

January 21, 2011

"... but the world is a great snowball rolling downhill and it never rolls uphill to unwind itself back to nothing at all and nonhappening."
 - R.P. Warren

January 16, 2011

explicit version

sometimes a man has to admit that the last pussy he had is the best pussy he's ever going to get. and whether or not it meant anything to her, it meant something to him. chasing other pussy will get a man nowhere.
sometimes a man has to admit that and say "fuck pussy".

Fuck pussy.

January 11, 2011

"Holding her was the epitome of desire and the ultimate quenching of it, the way a wave reaches the shore and subsides, spreads and draws in ecstatic tension and refolds into the sea, swallowed but still a wave."

January 5, 2011

The two best songs right now are:

"I Just Want To Make Love To You" by Van Morrison


"Lost In Your Love" by R. Kelly

... believe that.
